2. juli 2024
(English below)
Fonden FABRIKKEN for Kunst og Design indkalder nu ansøgninger fra nyuddannede billedkunstnere og designere, som ønsker at fremme deres praksis og karriere i et givende miljø af professionelle kunstnere og designere.
Der optages 12 deltagere i 2024. De ansøgere, der optages, skal dele to atelierer med plads til 6 personer i hver. Ansøgere skal være dimitteret fra et statsanerkendt akademi enten i Danmark eller udlandet inden for de seneste 3 år. Ansøgere søger individuelt og skal kunne arbejde i et rum, der deles med andre.
Programmet varer 2 år med start d. 7. oktober 2024, og prisen pr. kunstner/designer er kr. 2.002 + moms pr. måned i 2024, som dækker udgifter i forbindelse med atelierpladsen. Udgiften opkræves månedligt. Der betales 1 mdr. ydelse i depositum. Begge atelierer, der bruges i atelierprogrammet er 90 m2 og er beliggende i stueplan med direkte adgang til FABRIKKENs 1.000 m2 produktionshal.
Atelierprogrammet tilbyder desuden faglig support, inspirationsoplæg, viden og vejledning om økonomi samt mentorforløb, hvor deltagere og mentorer matches individuelt.
Deltagere i FABRIKKENs Atelierprogram har, udover atelieret, adgang til FABRIKKENs produktionsfaciliteter (træ, metal, keramik) samt til produktionsplads i hallen på dagsbasis under hensyntagen til arrangementer. Derudover er der adgang til fælleskøkken, have og udendørs arbejdsplads.
Det forventes, at kunstnere i programmet giver en offentlig praksispræsentation i begyndelsen af forløbet og deltager i en kurateret gruppeudstilling midtvejs i programmet.
Derudover forventes alle at deltage i FABRIKKENs fællesaktiviteter som kvartalsvise arbejdsdage, Åbent Hus og FABRIKKEN Open.
Ansøgningens indhold
En ansøgning om plads i atelierprogrammet skal indeholde:
- Kort beskrivelse af ansøgers praksis – max. ½ s.
- Kort beskrivelse af ansøgeres motivation for at søge optagelse i FABRIKKENs Atelierprogram.
- Opdateret CV på max. 1 s.
- Billedmateriale på max 5 s.
Ansøgningen må desuden gerne indeholde:
- Link til ansøgeres website/instafram eller andre relevante sites.
Ansøgningens form
Ansøgningen sendes som én samlet pdf, der navngives med afsenders navn. Ansøgningen sendes til application [at] og bedes mærkes “Atelierprogram” i emnefeltet.
Spørgsmål kan rettes til Maria Gry Bregnbak på mb [at]
Grundet ferie besvares henvendelser efter d. 12. august.
Ansøgningerne screenes af et fagligt udvalg og vurderes af FABRIKKENs bestyrelse, der er det besluttende organ.
Ansøgningsfrist: d. 26. august kl. 23:59 2024
Ansøgere kan forvente svar på ansøgningen inden udgangen af uge 37.
Fonden FABRIKKEN for Kunst og Design er Danmarks største atelierfællesskab for professionelle kunstnere og designere. Som fond arbejder vi for at styrke muligheder og vilkår for professionelle kunstnere og designere lokalt, nationalt og internationalt.
FABRIKKEN rummer 51 atelierer og en produktionshal på 1000 kvadratmeter, som dagligt danner ramme om små og store kunstproduktioner såvel som kulturelle events og aktiviteter. Med omtrent 80 professionelle kunstnere og designere er FABRIKKEN et kunstnerisk fællesskab, præget af faglighed, gensidig inspiration og kunstnerisk udveksling mellem praksisser, erfaringer og vidensfelter.
FABRIKKENs daglige virke favner den nationale såvel som internationale kunstscene, hvor husets atelierer og produktionshal spiller en central rolle i produktionen af værker, udstillinger og udsmykninger inden for kunst og design. Som kunstfagligt fællesskab bidrager FABRIKKEN til at styrke fremtidens kunstproduktion gennem viden, kompetencer og ressourcer indenfor kunstnerisk praksis og proces. FABRIKKEN faciliterer artist in residence-programmer og mentorordninger for at styrke udveksling og netværk blandt kunstnerne.
FABRIKKENs Atelierprogram for nyuddannede kunstnere er støttet af Augustinus Fonden.

FABRIKKEN for Kunst og Design is now calling for applications from visual artists and designers who want to further their practices and careers in a generous environment of professional artists and designers.
12 participants will be admitted in 2024. The applicants who are admitted will share two studios with room for 6 people in each. Applicants must have graduated from a state-recognized academy either in Denmark or abroad within the last 3 years. Applicants apply individually and must be able to work in a room shared with others.
The program lasts for 2 years starting on October 7, 2024, and the price per. artist / designer is DKK 2.002 + moms/VAT per month in 2024, which covers expenses in connection with the studio space. The expense is charged quarterly. A deposit of 1 month of expenses is paid at the beginning of the contract. Both studios that are used in the studio program are 90 m2 and are located on the ground floor with direct access to FABRIKKEN’s 1,000 m2 production space.
The studio program also offers professional support, inspirational presentations, knowledge of and guidance on economy as well as a mentoring program, where participants and mentors are matched individually.
Participants in FABRIKKEN’s studio program will, in addition to the studio, have access to FABRIKKEN’s production facilities (wood, metal, ceramics) and to the production space on a daily basis, taking into account events etc. In addition, there is access to a communal kitchen, garden and outdoor workspace.
Artists in the program are expected to give a public practice presentation at the beginning of the program and participate in a curated group exhibition midway through the program.
In addition, everyone is expected to take part in FABRIKKEN’s communal activities such as quarterly working days, Open House and Open Studios.
Application content
An application for a place in the studio program must include:
● Brief description of the applicant’s practice – max. ½ p.
● Brief description of the applicants’ motivation for applying to FABRIKKEN’s Studio program.
● Updated CV of max. 1 p.
● Image material of max. 5 p.
The application may also contain:
● Link to applicants’ website / Instagram or other relevant sites.
The application is sent as one complete pdf, which is entitled with the applicant’s name. The application is sent to application [at] Please write “Studio Program” in the subject field of your application.
Questions can be directed to Maria Gry Bregnbak at mb [at]
Due to holidays, inquiries are answered after 12 August.
The application process
The applications are screened by a professional committee and assessed by FABRIKKEN’s board, which is the decision-making body.
Application deadline: 26 August 2024 23:59h
Applicants can expect a reply within week 37.
Fonden FABRIKKEN for Kunst og Design is Denmark’s largest studio community for professional artists and designers. As a foundation, we work to strengthen opportunities and conditions for professional artists and designers locally, nationally, and internationally.
FABRIKKEN houses 51 studios and a production space of 1000 square meters, which is the framework for small and large art productions as well as cultural events and activities. With approx. 80 professional artists and designers, FABRIKKEN is an artistic community, characterized by professionalism, mutual inspiration and artistic exchange between practices, experiences, and fields of knowledge.
FABRIKKEN embraces the national as well as international art scenes, where the studios and production space play a central role in the production of works, exhibitions, and commissions. As an artistic community, FABRIKKEN contributes to strengthening the art production of the future through knowledge, competencies and resources within artistic practice and process. FABRIKKEN facilitates artist in residence programs and mentoring programs to strengthen exchanges and networks among the artists.
FABRIKKEN’s Studio program for recently graduated artists is kindly supported by the Augustinus Foundation.